Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Summer Sunflowers!

I just love sunflowers! Don't you? I plant lots and lots of them every year, only for half of them to be dug up by hungry critters! I just like to look at the way the flowers open up , and then watch the busy honeybees crawl all over them! Did you ever notice how the flower follows the sun, even on cloudy days? Watch one next time, it's uncanny!
Then when it's time to harvest the seeds! If I can get to them before the squirrels do, then we have seeds! But those critters are quick and they are up way before me in the mornings.
They remind me that Fall is right around the corner and cool crisp days are ahead. I think Fall is my favorites time of year with Spring close behind. Fall is when I can start baking again, and my family unit loves apple pies and homemade applesauce.
Well, that's all for now, keep checking back for more interesting stuff!! :o)


Alyssa said...

did you take these pictures linda?

linda said...

alyssa, YES! I am the photographer of those pic! They are growing in my backyard! The next time you sleep overIF it's before the fall, you can see them!

Alyssa said...

K, ok! But you DID still that fire picture that I took!!!! I'm sueing! ;)