Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ahhh, Summer! I miss it already. Although I must admit, I like Autumn better. Cooler nights for sitting around a fire, smelling the wood smoke. Crisp mornings, the smell of the leaves. I guess I like it better than Summer? I am waiting to get busy in the kitchen baking! I like anything with pumpkin or apples. I like to make applsauce, especially. It is so tasty when it's warm. And then there's the smell of homemade bread in the oven, can you just smell it now?
I like to wear sweaters, too. And courderoy, and jackets. I like to take walks along dirt roads, and take in all the trees showing off their new outfits that all too quickly fade away.
Camping in the fall is great! Perfect sleeping weather and the fires! m, m, m, and you can;t go camping without taking along homemade marshmallows! Toasted over the fire, placed ever so gently on a graham cracker fitted with a square of (dare i say it?) chocolate, then down the hatch! Followed by a warm mug of spiced cider. Oh, I better stop, before I get depressed and wish Summer to hurry along. I don't want the seasons to hurry, Hannah is growing too fast, and soon she will be out the door :o( I am a bit anxious about homeschooling her, excited too. It just seems like so much stuff to teacher. Her stuff came in the mail this week, and I can't believe it's kindergarten curriculum??? Imean, what happened to fingerpainting, and drawing, and playing!!! Those are the things I did in kindergarten for half the day I might add! Now it looks like it will be a whole day of stuff! They are even expecting the kid to learn to read!!!! C'mon! when can kids be kids???? There is plenty of time to learn to read!!! Oh, I guess I am getting up on my soap-box, sorry. I am looking into other avenues of homeschooling, in case I decide to continue with it. Like a Christian-based curriculum, instead of the public school kind. I really don't like the books they sent for her to read!!! Fairy Tales, etc. I don't wanna read untrue fantasy stuff to her. She likes real stories about animals, and people. NOw don't tell me she won't develop an imagination! She has a very healthy one right now! She seems to be fascinated with science, using a magnifying glass, and watching birds, and digging in the garden, stuff like that. She loves to look thru the binoculars, too.
Well, I have come to an end, if I don't stop now, I will run out of sleep time. Until we meet again, ta ta...


Ruth said...

Wow. I must say that campfire season is the best (not sure if that is fall,winter,spring,or summer).

Alyssa said...

I can't argue with that! my fave season is Summer but next fave. is Fall or as some people prefer to say: Autumn!! But summer is VACATION time. And fall is SCHOOL TIME. Just wanted to point that out... not only does the weather change in the fall, so does my schedule! No more sleeping in! Gosh! Sleep. I could use some of that now! Let me go, I've gotta catch a few winks. bb

Alyssa said...

BTW if you want any tips on independany home-schoolong, my mom is a total pro!! She's homeschooled all 4 of us, and we've lived everywhere on the map! Well, not quite. But there's CA, OK, IN, IL and of course PA. Did you know I was born in Beaver County PA? Well I was. And when I was just a wee infant of three months, my parents wizzed me away to California for my dad's new job at the airport. Well now I don't have time to tell you my life story right now but is you really wanna know, just ask!!